Custom Website for Real Estate Development Co.

This small custom website is an online brochure type site that provides an overview of  the company’s offerings. Dolomiti Homes is a Burnaby BC based company whose focus is on residential multifamily developments in the Vancouver lower mainland.

Scrolling down the home page is a listing of the main informational points of the site - plus links to those pages.

sample page from web design

The projects page is the element that changes. Projects are added–then marked when completed. Links to actual project pages as well.

To custom code or not?

At SWCA we offer websites that are custom or hand-coded. The advantage of this is total control over all the special functionality of the site. Like this website designed for Dolomiti Homes – the home page looks straight forward enough. But a nice little design element is the way the logo at the bottom of the screen resizes and  moves up and down as you size your display window. A small detail perhaps, but a hidden Aha! moment for anyone who discovers it.

The other way we work is to build templated “framework” websites. For these we add a tool to the backend of the WordPress platform. Utilizing a number of preset elements we can quickly build your website. This is ideal for smaller sites with fewer pages and less information. We are happy to discuss both options with you once we review your project.

Visit the site here.